Christ Brought a Sword, To Cut Through the Veil

A brief point on the literal vs. the symbolic

Bob Peck


“Cosmic Christ” by Brian Phillips

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.

I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

— Jesus, Gospel of Matthew 10:34

When I was around eight years old, accompanying my Baptist best friend to his Christian summer camp, I remember how surprised I was hearing that famous line.

My thought process was probably familiar to you:

“Wait I was really liking this guy, the ‘love your enemies’ teaching is right on—but now he’s talking about bringing swords?

He’s either terribly inconsistent or they got some translations wrong.”

I was completely unaware of the underlying figurative language behind this verse. And Vacation Bible School did a pretty miserable job of conveying the literal vs. the symbolic.

Literally, Christ gave a sermon up on a mountain.

Symbolically, he brought a sword…

Many years later after my exposure to the great Paramahamsa Yogananda and Kriya Yoga, I discovered a lesser-known Biblical commentary book by the late Hindu master, entitled The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection Within You. Even the title…



Bob Peck

The kingdom is within you. & Every being. Author, mystic, lover, pro-unity. Debunking original sin, embracing wisdom across this planet.