The Present Never Runs Out

Fleeting thoughts on the practicality of stillness

Bob Peck


When the Buddha was asked, “Sir, what do you and your monks practice?” he replied, “We sit, we walk, and we eat.”

The questioner continued, “But sir, everyone sits, walks, and eats.”

And the Buddha told him, “When we sit, we know we are sitting. When we walk, we know we are walking. When we eat, we know we are eating.”

— Thích Nhất Hạnh

All this speculating and categorizing and book-reading and thinking and doing!

You ever just, be?

The mystics saw through the stimuli of the world. And as much as I know this, I still get trapped by it. The world is a very captivating set of phenomena. And it’s why being firmly rooted in the present is such an artform.

There’s a lovely spiritual cliché from Vonnegut: we are human beings, not human doings.

But there’s just so much to do!

In my life, in the world. There are so many great books to read. My movie and TV show watchlist keeps getting larger, not smaller. There are so many places to see, foods to try, people to meet.

And yet, here we are.



Bob Peck

The kingdom is within you. & Every being. Author, mystic, lover, pro-unity. Debunking original sin, embracing wisdom across this planet.